
Advertising by Claimant Lawyers

By Dennis Slabaugh posted 04-15-2009 10:18 AM

I am wondering when the insurance industry is going to direct some of their advertising budget to contradict much of the in-accurate or in some cases outright false information that is being dramatically forced down the throat of anyone who listens to the radio, watches television, opens up a phone directory or is exposed to billboard advertising by the claimant lawyer industry. I am tired of hearing these "snake oil" pitches from law firms claiming to be "for the people", claiming to be the "Gary To Ask" for HELP, or the suggestion that one must call them first and never talk to an insurance adjuster. Surely money spent on "public service" advertisements reminding people that they do not need a "Big Brother" partner to answer their claim or injury questions nor to obtain a fair, reasonable, and lawfully due payment for some type of occurrence, is money more wisely spent than paying nuisance settlements or initial defense fees. And don't forget, while the defense bar is "on our side", they would be out of work if there was no claimant litigation. My point being, support for squelching this lottery mentality advertising is not going to be supported by the defense bar.

What do you think?
