
Fact or Fiction? "Climate change could risk trillions in U.S. assets: Report" Article in Industry Publication Today

By Dennis Slabaugh posted 11-25-2009 08:47 PM


As some of you are aware, recent e-mail messages leaked out of the UK this week suggests that the answer to my introduction is more Fiction than Fact when it comes to the Global warming Craze... a Craze that stands to change life and economics worldwide as we we know it today. I get tired of the publicity that these so called "reports" get from the main stream media with absolutely no background or history of the origin or "fact resources" they are formulated from. Let alone, the funding groups and their radical agendas that finance them or the organizations that author them. We are still hearing more about the small islands that had their own little study  done by a credible "university" that turned out to be merely quoting data from a far left conservation organization funded by wealthy environmentalists. Recently that government's congressional  leaders signed some global warning initiative UNDERWATER and it was commented on by the likes of  Jay Leno and others. How do such things get so much attention? Are we starved for something to latch onto like the readers of the Tabloids?

In this most recent "Report", the WWF (might as well be the World Wrestling Federation as to their legitimacy!) also know as the World Wildlife Federation, which has a whopping 5 million members worldwide ( and influential leaders based in a Washington DC office of course) was the joint author along with the German insurer Allianz S.E. And once again, the journalist that reported on the "report" gave us no background information about who WWF is, who funds them and what their tactical agendas have been in the past. I challenge that journalist to write a similar advertisement for some report written by one of the Tabloids. How  about the devastating potential of a giant sinkhole devoring Manhattan Island due to a leak in a drainage system in the subway!

We all know that article would never be published in a prominent business journal. Yet, that Tabloid surely has at least 5 million "members / readers"! Why do these fringe environmental groups get center stage to overwhelm the rest of the  of world wide population (billions) with their agendas?  Think about that for a moment. We are going to allow the world to be changed by a small minority group with an "opinion" based upon  highly speculative, interpolated " Science".

Copenhagen here we come.

