
Speak Up! Attend LEG202 in Orlando on April 21

By Diana Rich posted 04-02-2009 02:10 PM

Have you noticed that people are starting to take an interest in government again?  It is impossible to avoid paying attention to what's happening during these historical times.  Now, with the national elections behind us, and the bailouts almost all bailed out, it seems many are turning their attention to state and local issues. 

At least I know it's true in California.  Last year, the seven California chapters of RIMS formed the California Legislative Delegation, with the goals of keeping our fellow risk managers informed on developing legislative and regulatory activities in the State, and serving as subject matter experts for our public officials.

In January 2009, the California Legislative Delegation held its inaugural "RIMS on the Mall" event.  Considered by all to be a smashing success, I was excited to be one of 18 risk management professionals coming together for a day and a half of education and legislative visits.

"RIMS on the Mall" benefitted greatly from the guidance and leadership of RIMS' External Affairs Committee.  The experiences and lessons learned are applicable to any Chapter wanting to make itself heard, and will be presented at the Annual Conference in Orlando.  LEG202 is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21 from 9:00 - 10:30 am.  Make plans to attend this informative session and learn how to play a vital role in the legislative process. 

Note:  There is still time to help us make this session as relevant for you as possible.  The panel welcomes your comments, questions or suggestions. 
