
Ensuring proper risk management is the key to a debt free economy

By Rick Murphy posted 11-19-2012 06:53 AM


Risk management is all about identifying the risks when you have the scope to manage them well. There could be several types of risks that you’ll have to face and ‘debt’ is one of those risks that continue to remain unrecognized. The number of people that have feared debt is lower than the number of those who have embraced it. No matter if they are subprime mortgages or some other forms of debt, this has happened because of the fact that debt has never exposed itself as a risky candidate until the past few years.

People’s habit of embracing debt instead of fearing it has boosted the debt in the American as well as in the world economy. Difficulties in repaying debt caused most of the Asian emerging economies to go through severe financial crisis. There were debt relief options that worked for some, but the fact that most couldn’t make a good use of them is what made things even more serious in the next few years.

Debt and risk

There is a very strong relation between debt and risk. This has every bit of truth in it, both at the national and individual levels. The chances of disaster are very less if proper risk management is being employed. It is important to remember that risk can be categorized in two dimensions – less flexibility and leverage. Less flexibility is because of the fact that diversion of a portion of the income is important. The rise in the chances of failure and the potential returns is because of the leverage.

Making the predictions

It is important that such things be foreseen beforehand. Well, there were some that did manage to foresee the financial crisis approaching their way. Sadly, things didn’t work out as planned as most of the people didn’t act or respond the way they should. There are speculations that there wouldn’t have been much of a difference even if things worked the desired way. A very high rise in the levels of debt in the US was recorded in the past decade. Such high levels of debt were seen only during wars.

It can be concluded that there is no such thing as ‘low risk’ or ‘safe’ level of debt in the economy. There was stability in the debt levels that were measured against GDP three decades ago. All of these were termed as something unknown that was more related to the economic law. The period of Great Moderation managed to convince several people as they tried to take on debt. They saw it as something that was more of a kind of risk management and desirable in many ways. Great Moderation marks the period when consistent growth was recorded in the economy. It all began in the mid-1980s and continued till the year 2007 surviving the blow of a couple of moderate recessions.

The better you’re able to handle risks and practice risk management, the lesser the debt on you and the related troubles that are sure to haunt your future life.  

