Top Ten Reasons to Call Your Employment Lawyers Before You Think You Need Them

When:  Oct 19, 2012 from 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM (MT)
Associated with  Northern Alberta

The NARIMS Program Committee presents Colin Fetter from Brownlee LLP as he walks us through some common human resources and employment related issues. Colin will share some of his experiences along with proactive employee management tools to assist us with:

* Effective termination through proactive hiring;
Effective disciplinary letters;
Drug and alcohol testing;
Duty to Accommodate;
Fixed term contracts;
Social media issues;
Severance clauses;
And more…

Please send your registration request to: Vicki Marak at Brownlee Law
( with the subject line of ‘NARIMS October 19th Are you at Risk’ before October 12th, 2012 so we can confirm final attendance numbers to our selected venue.

* Guests are welcome and may be included when registering your attendance at this session.

* A total of 1.5 hours of Education credits have been requested from the Alberta Insurance Council (AIC).

NARIMS must pay for each declared registrant. Persons who register and do not attend or send an alternate will be billed for the cost of the session unless cancellation notice is received
prior to noon on October 15, 2012.


Macdonald Hotel, Drawing Room
10065 100 Street
Edmonton, AB
Registration Price
Member $60.00
Non-member $75.00
