How soon do you need to communicate after a crisis? Sharing a few thoughts on crisis communication – I was working with an executive team on a crisis scenario, when one of the leaders asked a question on crisis communication. He asked, “How soon do we need it to communicate? 5 minutes,...
What are the signs of an organization at risk for crises? For some organizations a crisis is the only catalyst for change. Sharing a few thoughts on the signs of an organization at risk for crises . I have not performed a thorough analysis; however, I have a few reoccurring...
Sean Murphy's Favorite Reads Clients often ask what my favorite books (authors) are. I recommend reading anything from Klein, Sheffi, Kahneman, Thaler, and Sunstein. Here are a few of my favorite reads | rereads: Adoption, Awareness & Game Theory (Brain) Books Nudge , by...
Why are cyber threats on top of every executive’s mind? Sharing a few thoughts on Cyber Security -- I was on the phone last week with a data visualization expert (and author) discussing visualization problem solving – basically, how to solve problems or at the least understand problems with...
This is a copy of the briefing we presented at RIMS in Vancouver in 2011 titled "War Zone Insurance & Risk Management". Ideal audience are RIsk Managers, Insurance Managers, Retail Brokers and Reinsurance Brokers who have risk in War Zones, Hostile Territories or Emerging Markets. ...
War Zone Insurance & Risk Management.pdf
This paper represents a compilation of the entire “Corporate Defense Insights: Dispatches from the Front Line” series in one complete set. It features Q&A sessions with recognized and emerging expert commentators from around the globe who share their insights, experience and expertise regarding...
Corporate Defense Insights.pdf
Audio podcast series in which Michael Keating, who leads the Business Continuity Management practice for Navigant Consulting along with some special guests, offers helpful information and insights into BCM and issues facing risk managers today. Part 1-BCM and ERM (5:53) Part 2-BCM and...
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