Description of the Award
The Distinguished Deputy Award recognizes individual achievement at the chapter level. The award may be presented to Deputy Members, who through their actions, exhibit the qualities that further risk management at the chapter level. This award will be considered on an annual basis and there is no requirement to bestow this award each year.
Award Criteria
A candidate for this award should display consistent involvement in chapter activities in one or more of the following areas:
1. Advances the risk management profession
2. Promotes the health and success of the DFW Chapter
3. Serves as an Officer, Committee Chair, or otherwise participates on one or more DFW
Chapter committees
4. Regularly attends DFW Chapter luncheon meetings
5. Regularly participates in DFW Chapter social functions
6. Regularly participates in DFW Chapter community service projects
7. Helps facilitate communications between all membership categories
8. Brings new ideas to the DFW RIMS chapter
In Recognition
In recognition of being chosen, the Distinguished Deputy Award plaque will be presented by the Chapter President at the chapter’s January monthly luncheon meeting to the individual receiving the award.
In order to make a nomination for the Distinguished Deputy Award, another Deputy member must submit an official Distinguished Deputy Award Application by email to the Membership Development Committee. Prior recipients of the Distinguished Deputy Award will not be eligible. Members of the Membership Development Committee are not eligible to submit an application and are not eligible to win this award.
Entries will be scored by the chapter’s Membership Development Committee who will present their nomination to the Board of Directors.
The Chapter President will notify the recipient of the Distinguished Deputy Award, as well as the submitter prior to the January meeting.
Deadline for entries: December 17th
All entries must be scanned and submitted by email to Ronna Schmoker at rschmoker@univisionradio.com. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.