Now in its 13th year, the program has been praised by both risk managers and universities as a rewarding educational experience and a chance to give back to the profession. The Foundation awards grants to college and universities to cover transportation, housing and incidental costs for a lecturing risk manager.
Risk Managers Wanted:
The Spencer Educational Foundation, Inc. is seeking risk managers to give presentations and lectures for its "Risk Manager In Residence" program. The prospective risk manager must be a member of the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) and must have: at least 10 years minimum risk management experience; good communication skills; classroom experience; ideally CPCU or ARM teaching experience and able to spend two to three days on a college or university campus.
RMIR Frequently Asked Questions:
· I placed my resume for the current program and was not selected by a university or college, do I have to re-submit next year?
Unless you have changed jobs or made additions to your current resume, you do not have to submit your resume every year. Risk Manager Resumes are placed in a pool and sent out to university/college grant recipients annually.
· How are risk manager selections made?
The selected universities and colleges are sent a list of risk managers with attached resumes. The university is required to send us its first, second and third choices by a certain deadline date. Lecturers are assigned to universities on a first come, first served basis.
· Who decides what dates I’ll be lecturing?
Once the university selects the risk manager, a letter to both the risk manager and the university, with contact information, is sent instructing the two parties to coordinate the dates of the visit.
- Who compensates me for travel, housing and incidental expenses?
The university will compensate you for these expenses. Spencer awards a grant to them. Universities/colleges are required to compensate the risk manager 30 business days after they receive his/her receipts or invoices.
Testimonial: “I was selected to give presentations and lectures through The Risk Manager in Residence program in 2008 to The University of Mississippi and in 2009 to New Mexico State University. I was invigorated by being around so many bright young people. Hopefully we were able to influence many of them to consider risk management as a career choice. I highly recommend it if you are considering participation. Not only are you sharing your expertise but you will learn a lot, as well.” Cheryl Johnson, Risk Manager, Dallas Independent School District.
If you wish to be considered for this program please email your resume to: asabatino@spencered.org or mail it to the Spencer Educational Foundation, Inc.; Risk Manager In Residence Program; 1065 Ave. of the Americas, 13th Floor; New York, NY 10018.